Sales Flywheel

Our proprietary process for building sales momentum through continuous customer engagement for sustained growth.

The Traditional Sales Method

The traditional sales method is outdated, focusing on a linear process that pushes customers through a one-way journey from awareness to purchase. This approach leaves little room for ongoing engagement and often results in disengaged customers once the sale is complete. In today’s dynamic market, this method falls short, failing to nurture lasting relationships or foster loyalty.

Our Answer: The Sales Flywheel

The Sales Flywheel redefines how businesses engage with their customers. It focuses on continuously attracting, engaging, and delighting them, creating a self-sustaining cycle of growth. By integrating marketing, sales, and customer service, every interaction adds momentum, turning satisfied customers into loyal advocates.


Sustainable Growth

By continuously attracting and engaging customers, the flywheel creates a self-perpetuating cycle of growth.


Improved Relationships

Ongoing communication and support ensure higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Efficiency and Consistency

Standardized processes and the use of technology streamline sales efforts and ensure a consistent customer experience.

The Sales Flywheel

Sales flywheel graphic showing cyclical nature of flywheel going from TAM/ICP to lead generation to prospecting to closing to customer success and circling around.

Implementation Steps

Implementing the Sales Flywheel can seem daunting, but we’re here to help. Our step-by-step approach ensures a seamless transition from traditional methods to this modern, customer-centric strategy.

Step: 01

Define Roles and Responsibilities

Assign specific roles to team members and ensure clarity on responsibilities for each stage of the flywheel.

Step: 02

Develop Standard Operating Procedures

Create SOPs for each stage to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Step: 03

Implement Technology Solutions

Integrate the necessary tools and platforms to support each stage of the flywheel.

Step: 04

Conduct Training Programs

Roll out training modules for all team members to ensure they have the skills and knowledge needed.

Step: 05

Measure and Optimize

Continuously track key metrics and optimize processes based on performance data and feedback.

Comparing the Sales Flywheel

To understand the evolution of sales strategies, it’s crucial to compare the traditional sales funnel with the modern Sales Flywheel. While the sales funnel focuses on moving leads through a linear path towards a single transaction, the Sales Flywheel emphasizes continuous engagement and long-term customer relationships.
Flywheel StepTraditional

Focuses on a one-time transaction; linear and ends with the sale.

Focuses on building long-term relationships; cyclical and continuous.
Customer Focus

Prioritizes conversion and new customer acquisition.

Prioritizes customer satisfaction, retention, and repeat business.

Engagement typically decreases after a sale.

Continuous engagement even after the sale.

How much your company is converting at each stage.

Overall growth, customer lifetime value, and satisfaction.

Often siloed functions (marketing and sales operate independently).

Seamless integration between marketing, sales and CS.

Efficiency in moving leads through a linear path.

Efficiency in creating ongoing momentum and leveraging each interaction.

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Contact Us

Drop us a line whenever you’re ready to grow your revenue channels.

Address: 34 13th Ave NE Suite 113a, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Phone: (612) 324-1636
